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What If You Failed In The Exam

What happens if you don’t pass your first test?

Don’t Panic, you do have another chance!

If you don’t pass your first written test, but meet the other requirements for citizenship, IRCC will schedule you for a second test. The second test usually takes place few weeks after the first test.

If you don’t pass your second test, IRCC will send you a notice telling you to attend a hearing with a citizenship official. The hearing:

• Will last 30 to 90 minutes
• May be in person or by videoconference
• May be used to assess one or more requirements for citizenship, for example: knowledge of Canada and language
• If you don’t pass the test after 3 tries, IRCC will refuse your application, but you can re-apply to try again.

How to prepare yourself for the second test

1. Read the official citizenship guide Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
2. Take advantage of our exam simulator questions and train yourself 3. Study the government info

Our content is intended to summarize the IRCC for information and education purposes only.